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A three-part Industry Development webinar series

Screenworks, in partnership with leading screen industry experts Media Mentors, is excited to be delivering a brand new series of three online webinars covering key aspects of TV and film development. 

These online sessions are designed to give screen creatives a range of industry-relevant practical tools to help them find and develop screen content ideas, create compelling and sellable stories and characters, and identify potential audiences, platforms and funding for their projects.

The sessions will be run by Esther Coleman-Hawkins and Denise Eriksen who together have a vast wealth of practical experience in the screen industry and an excellent track record in assisting creatives to find their way in this challenging and exciting sector. 

The series will run weekly from late November 2021 as follows:

Webinar 1 – Finding And Developing An Idea (Weds 24 November 2021, 2pm - 3:30pm AEDT)

Sit still for 10 minutes and you'll probably have at least 3 ideas for a creative project. But how do you pick which one to do? And once you've picked it, how do you turn it from an idea into a program? Using a template we'll walk you through the process of selecting, researching and developing an idea.

Webinar 2 – Story, Characters and Creative Vision (Weds 1 December 2021, 2pm – 3:30pm AEDT)

You've got an idea, but is it a story? Does it have a defined beginning, middle and end? Can you communicate it in less than 100 words? Learn how to define your story and interrogate the 'journey'. We'll also cover characters and their development and your creative vision for the idea.

Webinar 3 – Audiences, Platforms and Funding (Weds 8 December 2021, 2pm – 3:30pm AEDT)

Once you've started to develop your idea you need to be influenced by the world around you – specifically the audience, the platform they'll see your project on, and the funders. Learn about developing your team, iterating your idea to meet the market and how to see the potential in your story for spin-offs.

Each session will be approx 1.5 hours with an opportunity to ask questions during the live webinars. 

NOTE: Closed captioning is available for this video, however, please note that it was auto-captured during the recording by Zoom and may include some errors. If you have any issues, please contact us at info@screenworks.com.au.

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You'll get access to stream a recording of the webinar plus a workbook & links

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